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I've always believed that our thoughts have the power to shape our lives.

After having my son, I started to imagine how different the world would be if children were taught words like compassion, empathy and diversity from an early age.

I got inspired to create a new list of alphabet words to teach my son the values and qualities we all desire to live by - kindness, compassion, empathy, self-love, gratitude, respect for people and the earth.

From there, an idea was born...to create A New Alphabet for Humanity!

What started as a simple idea for a book, became a much bigger vision.

A New Alphabet for Humanity is now used globally by a growing number of families, schools and early learning centers as a simple way to teach children how to connect with their hearts and become the best version of themselves.

"This should be every child's alphabet book." - Frances Daleo

Our vision is to nurture the heart, imagination and potential of children everywhere and raise the next generation of heart centered kids.

Creating an education that's based on love!

To accompany the book, we've also created an entire heart-based curriculum, including Weekly Alphabet Lesson Plans, for both parents and teachers.

As a gift to our community, you'll receive access to this as part of our purchase, absolutely free!

Together we can create a bright future for our children, their children and future generations.
